Dear  Parents and Community Members,

As part of the State school accreditation process, each school across the state is to develop a learner profile that highlights what each school identifies as the foundational educational standards their students should develop while attending that school.  We have developed a draft of a learner profile for Melville School based on surveys conducted last year during the initial stages of development of this profile and by receiving parental input up to this point.  At this time, we ask for your input on the learner profile for Melville School.  We ask that if you have any ideas or things you would like to see added or deleted please email Jeff Bermes at jbermes@melville, so we can look at those ideas.  Your input is greatly appreciated. 

Melville School District  Profile of a Learner

The stakeholders of Melville School have prioritized the importance of education. We engage our students in authentic learning that prepares them with the skills and knowledge to become successful in today’s world.

Parents want to know that their child is on the right path for success in life.  Educators want to ensure that our students learn the skills today needed to prepare for the future.  Together we recognize that we have an important role in establishing the foundations for our children to grow.

In their elementary years, children develop basic academic literacy.  A strong academic core in reading, writing, science, social studies, and math enables students with the basic tools for success. While these basic skills are critical, we also know that college, career and ever-changing workforce demand much more than simply foundation skills.  

In cooperation with the stakeholders of the Melville School District, we have founded a profile of a learner for our district. This work has resulted in creating four outcomes we want for all students:  Lifelong Learner, Communicator, Critical Thinker and Innovator.

Lifelong Learner

  • Is academically literate (Reading, Math, Science and Social Studies)

  • Is self-directed

  • Uses time and resources wisely to set goals, complete tasks, and manage projects

  • Fosters social responsibility and respect for others

  • Cultivates responsibility for nature and environment

  • Focuses on the unique ecosystems, geology, lifestyles, and history of the local area

  • Nurtures respect for and understanding of Indigenous cultures


  • Respectfully relates to others on an emotional level in order to integrate multiple perspectives

  • Employs active listening strategies to advance understanding

  • Speaks in a purposeful manner to inform, influence, motivate, or entertain listeners

  • Incorporates effective writing skills for various purposes and audiences to convey understanding and concepts

  • Uses technological skills and contemporary digital tools to explore and exchange ideas.

  • Expresses thoughts, ideas, and emotions meaningfully and creatively.

Critical Thinker

  • Demonstrates open-ended thought to enhance the design and build process

  • Evaluates ideas and information sources for validity, relevance, and impact

  • Reasons through and weighs evidence to reach conclusions.

  • Challenges assumptions.

  • Has the ability to suspend judgments

  • Applies skills to acquire knowledge and broaden perspectives.

  • Constructs arguments.


  • Engages in problem solving, inquiry, and design of innovative solutions to overcome obstacles to improve outcomes

  • Builds resilience through risk-taking and setbacks

  • Creates new ideas with value and meaning

  • Demonstrates open-ended and innovative thought to enhance the design/build process

  • Uses information to strengthen comprehension and deepen awareness. 

Upon leaving the Melville School District, our students will have a solid academic foundation with a desire for continued learning, critical thinking skills, effective communication, and listening skills.  Melville students are afforded unique opportunities in this rural location.  With the infusion of the local and surrounding environmental and cultural wonders, local heroes, and an agriculture setting; students will develop an appreciation for the vast natural and cultural resources provided by the area and community members of Melville. Through the learning and researching of this unique local environment, students leaving Melville will possess a set of learning skills that are founded in teaching of set curriculums but also a cultural and environmental awareness that will support and enhance their continued educational journey beyond the walls and community of Melville.